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Head Heart Hara
First Section
Week 1: Introduction to Head Heart Hara & Mindfulness; Awareness & Automatic Pilot (75:14)
Week 2: Living in our Heads; Awareness of the Breath (36:04)
Week 3: Gathering the Scattered Mind; Mindful Movement (32:46)
Week 4: Recognizing Aversion - Staying with What is Difficult & Managing Reactions; Mindfulness of Feelings; A Pathway to the Heart (51:00)
Week 5: Let it Be - Working with Thoughts, Emotions and the Heart Space (32:17)
Week 6: Practicing Silence & Loving-Kindness (35:31)
Week 7: Taking Good Care of Myself (31:49)
Week 8: Embodied Mindful Living (41:38)
Week 3: Gathering the Scattered Mind; Mindful Movement
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